What is being done to motivate female talent in the STEM field in the world?

Com-Passo Consulting

Com-passo is a consulting firm which provides com-prehensive technical support, to com-panies and organizations, for com-plex, innovative and sustainable projects.

A solid cross segment know-how, coupled with a deep understanding of opportunities arising from disruptive innovation, places com-passo as a valuable partner for the development of integrated projects.

Strengthened by a very dynamic team, the com-pany encom-passes a broad and extensive knowledge and experience in the domains of Satellite-related Services, Telecom-munication Products & Services, Support to Engineering and Manufacturing in Hi-Tech sectors, Management and Roll-out of Renewable Energy Projects, Support to Humanitarian Assistance Programs.


Geographical scope




Number of girls impacted

Field of knowledge

As Raparigas do Código
Crescer + Igual