What is being done to motivate female talent in the STEM field in the world?

Girls in AI

The Girls in AI project aims to publicize some journeys by former and current students of the Technician who followed a career in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI), which illustrate the thousand and one opportunities in the area and inspire more girls to follow them. The participants talk about their work and what attracts them most in these strongly interdisciplinary areas. Represented are areas such as health, from post-stroke recovery, detection of skin lesions and computational psychiatry. Several students also share their enthusiasm for robots, both in the context of interaction with children on the autism spectrum or with visual difficulties, and in the context of socially intelligent robots, capable of working as a team. The area of natural language processing is also well represented, with its numerous applications.


Geographical scope



Professional career

Number of girls impacted

Field of knowledge

ENSICO – Associação para o Ensino da Computação
Girls Who Code