What is being done to motivate female talent in the STEM field in the world?

Our Digital Village – Comunidade Manteigas Digital

The initiative aims to intervene in rural areas, promoting the acquisition of digital and transversal skills, preparing people to face the challenges of the future. The project is committed to the co-creation of high-quality educational content that responds to the needs of the local context, contributing in the long term to the digital transition through active awareness-raising at all levels of society.

Through self-analysis sessions in the different communities, the intrinsic motivation for change is explored and the needs of each local context are identified, which are then taken into account in the co-development of educational materials on digital and transversal competencies. Training is then carried out for teachers and trainers to ensure their ability to share the acquired skills with different groups of learners in each community.


Geographical scope




Number of girls impacted

Field of knowledge

Mentes Empreendedoras
P&D Factor