Clara Lapiedra, throughout her 20 years of career, has started several successful businesses of her own. Although she graduated in Translation and Interpreting, she studied the Master in International Studies at the University of Barcelona, specializing in International Community Law. Later on, she studied a Master in Business Administration at ESADE.
Clara is a start-up consultant and Business Angel, specialized in the fast growth at early stages. Her goal is to help entrepreneurs achieve their challenges as fast as possible, minimizing the risks that may jeopardize the viability of the start-up. As Clara says, this is achieved with a reasonable, sustainable and realistic growing strategy. Her generalist vision is key, since it allows her to be able to deepen in marketing, operations, HR and especially in finance, the 4 basic slopes of any business.
Moreover, Clara is an expert at internationalization; she’s travelled all around the world, speaks 5 languages fluently, and she’s also been working as an assistant to the CEO of a multinational with 20 branches in Europe and Latin America.