Mariana Tavernari

Knowledge Area





English, Spanish and Portuguese

Geographic Scope

Lisboa (Portugal)

During my work experience, I have gone through projects related to user experience, Design Think, knowledge management, collaboration, innovation, internal communication and digital culture. In these types of projects, I had to work in phases related to design and execution, up to planning and designing strategies, interacting with areas such as Technology, Human Resources and Communication, among others.

I have also been part of a research group called "Linguagem Studies Group: Media Practices" at the University of São Paulo. Likewise, I have participated as a speaker in various events presenting papers, panels and research results related to information and communication technologies, cyberculture and narrative design.


Graduate in Journalism at the University of Sao Paulo (2007), master’s degree in Communication Sciences (2009) and Doctorate in Media and Audiovisual Processes (2015) at the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo.

Currently, I work in the Design Studio of the Globant company. I have been working in Research, Strategy, Innovation and Service Design for approximately 10 years. In my previous job, I worked as coordinator of the Research Department of the Future Research School Center (USP).

In addition to my professional career, I have continued my relationship with the academic world: I teach Narrative Design at Senac SP.

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