The SWC fills the CosmoCaixa auditorium in Barcelona to reivindicate the female presence in the fields of STEM
Today, the fourth edition of the STEM Women Congress (SWC), the women’s empowerment congress in the technological world, took place. From 9 in the morning until 8 at night, the CosmoCaixa in Barcelona was filled with calls to break the gender gap in the STEM sectors (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics).
The event hosted prominent personalities from the STEM field and internationally renowned companies. Additionally, the conclusions of the third Annual Report were presented, a study that analyzes the STEM initiatives carried out during 2021. The STEM Awards were also presented to projects that combat inequality and gender stereotypes in the sector.
High level content
A technology that allows people with spinal cord injuries to regain movement in a single day; a fabric made from pineapple leaves as a sustainable alternative to leather; and the future of public transport are some of the topics covered in the TALKS, which featured more than 65 esteemed speakers. The conference also included a live connection with schools across the state to give visibility to STEM initiatives, as well as a pitch session by STEM entrepreneurs judged by a live jury.
Among this year’s TALKS, “Science in Motion” stood out with Grégoire Courtine, director of NeuroRestore (EPFL and CHUV) and Chief Scientific Officer, and Jocelyne Bloch, chief neurosurgeon of the Stereotactic and Functional Unit of the CHUV Lausanne University Hospital; and “PINEAPPLE FOR FASHION” by Carmen Hijosa, founder and creative and innovation director of Ananas Anam Ltd and finalist in the European Inventor Award in 2021.
In total, there were 65 speakers from 5 different continents, including Natalia Olson, Global Ambassador for Spain & Portugal for the Silicon Valley Forum; Eva Gallardo, president of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society; and Helena Dalli, Commissioner for Equality of the European Union.
An inclusive fashion show brought the audience to its feet when models from the Arnelia World agency paraded with products made from Piñatex, a fabric derived from pineapple leaves.
Third edition of the Annual Report
One of the most anticipated moments was the presentation of the Annual Report, the STEM Women report compiled from a questionnaire distributed to all the STEM Women initiatives detected throughout Spain that voluntarily chose to participate. The objective of the report is to understand the impacts generated by these initiatives, the extent to which they impact the Spanish population, the age groups affected, and the territories where they have influence. The report also analyzes the source of funding and the type of activities being carried out.
The study has drawn several conclusions, including that 67% of the initiatives receive support from a company, while only 23% are funded exclusively from public sources. Although this percentage is slightly increasing year by year, there is still a confirmed need for more funding for programs and projects in the STEM educational field. More companies and institutions committed to a diverse and inclusive world, where women share responsibilities in STEM areas, are needed.
The report reveals that even if 100% of the girls in Spain currently in the age group 0 to 16 opted for a STEM career, we would still not be able to achieve a 50/50 gender balance in the STEM sector by 2050. This is due to two fundamental reasons: first, the birth rate is decreasing year by year. The global birth rate is 2.3 births per woman and is estimated to decrease to 2.1 by 2050. Secondly, according to UNESCO data from 2018, by 2050, 75% of jobs will be in the STEM sector, which will exponentially magnify the current gender gap if we do nothing. The current gap is so large that, if we also consider these two factors, we will never achieve gender parity, especially if we do not transform the current model. This is why it is so important to amplify the coverage and impact of initiatives and programs striving to increase the presence of women in STEM.
Eva Díaz, CEO of the STEM WOMEN Congress, announced that “based on the analysis of the initiatives and conclusions, the SWC has set itself the goal of ensuring that by 2050, 100% of schools, training centers, universities, and large companies have a STEM Women initiative.”
Presenta: Cristina Riba y Francesc Soler, periodistas
9:35 h Inauguration
Eva Díaz, CEO SWC
9:40 h Inauguration
Laia Bonet, Teniente de Alcaldía de la Agenda 2030 Ayuntamiento de Barcelona
9:45 h Inauguration
Helena Dalli, Commissioner of Equality of EU
Eva Blanco, Public Affairs Manager in HP
Joana Barbany, Consultant and expert advisor on Technology
Eva Gallardo, Presidenta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española
Mireia Furriol, Engineer, Consultant, Speaker
Mª José Lodeiros, Associate Manager Accenture
Cristina Rey, fundadora de Milbrait, SWC Ambassador Galicia
Mª Luz Guenaga, Head of Deusto LearningLab
Quim Daura, Vicepresidente Clúster de la Energía Eficiente de Cataluña
Miriam Barajas, Solutions Analyst, SWC Ambassador Madrid
Narcís Armengol, decano del Col·legi d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya
Maria Salamero, presidenta de la Associació d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya
Anna Sánchez, Vicepresidenta y socia fundadora en iTimes Advisers
Aïda Espinet, Consultora e ingeniera acústica
Fátima Sahar, iOS App Developer en Basetis
Lola Peláez, Doctora TIC del Hospital Universitario de Jaén, Junta de Andalucía – Delegada andaluza de Ingenieras en Red – Embajadora SWC Andalucía
Carmen Mur, fundadora Mur&Partners
CEIP Les Parellades, Sant Pere de Ribes (Barcelona)
10:30 h STEM COMPANY AWARDS Presentación de Proyectos
Proyecto 1
Lluís Soler, HR director in Bureau Veritas
Mariola Martín, Business Line Manager área Construcción Bureau Veritas
Proyecto 2
Judit García, Directora de Recursos Humanos Área de Organización y Personas en TMB
Proyecto 3
Luis Sanz, Partner – FSS Sector Leader IBM
Ingrid Rojas Suarez, Associate Partner – Sector Público, IBM Consulting
11:00 h TALK 1 The labor market for STEM women
Eli Abad, Empresaria – Consejera – Empoderando Mujeres – BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY
11:15 h TALKS 2
Tatiana Gottlib, Director, TPS Dynatrace
11:15 h TALKS 3 Walk again
Grégoire Courtine, Director, NeuroRestore (EPFL and CHUV) Chief Scientific Officer
Jocelyne Bloch, Neurosurgeon Head of stereotactic and functional unit CHUV Lausanne University hospital
12:00 h TALK4 Circular Economy
Carmen Hijosa, Founder and Chief Creative and Innovation Officer at Ananas Anam Ltd
12:15 h TALK5 How the STEM can change your life: ReinventaTech
Mª Ángeles Fernández, Risk Management Senior Director Europe & Middle East at Oracle
Alejandra Gilabert, Consultora de Análisis de Negocio Quistor
Raquel Moreno, Especialista en Eloqua/Marketing Digital CGI
12:30 h TALK 6 Ciencia Ciudadana. Nuestros datos, un propósito compartido
Daniela Salvitti, General Manager at Ideas for Change
Teresa Rodon, Directora Comercial Bureau Veritas España y Portugal
Paula Cortizo Martin, RME Manager in AMAZON
Anna Casals, RDi Manager CELSA Spain & France
Rebeca Marín, Directora de Personas y Organización en Aigües de Barcelona
Anna Moreu, EMEA Tech Consulting Resource Management Director in ORACLE
Anabel Andión, Area Manager at SEAT
Lourdes Mercadal, Directora de Centers of Excellence CaixaBank Tech
Lectura del acta
Susanna Carmona, Directora Mútua dels Enginyers
Entrega de premios
Sandra Uve, Ilustradora y divulgadora científica
Carmen Mur, fundadora Mur&Partners
Natalia Olson, Director of Government Partnerships
Presenta: Ruth Gumbau
Susanna Cabos, Directora e impulsora del Ámbito de Inspiración del SWC / Customer Satisfaction & Quality Director Schneider Electric
Elsa Giménez, Coordinadora del Ámbito de Inspiración del SWC / Founder of KitCo
Esther Izquierdo, Coordinadora del Ámbito de Inspiración del SWC / Director of Energy & Sustanaibility Consultancy ARCbcn
15:05 h Iniciativa: ENGINY-ERA
Sílvia Planella, Fundadora y directora de ENGINY-ERA
Marc Francisco Masdéu, Enginy-ERA
15:15 h Iniciativa: Inspira STEAM
Maria Luz Guenaga, Responsable del Proyecto Inspira STEAM
Marta Molina Cascales, Soluciones Conversacionales | Asistentes Virtuales | Chatbots
15:25 h Iniciativa SEAT
Ángel Suárez,Gerente Física del vehículo en Centro Técnico de SEAT
María García Navas, Responsable prestaciones, aerodinámica y estrategia CO2 en Centro Técnico de SEAT
Lectura del acta
Susanna Carmona, Directora Mútua dels Enginyers
Entrega del premio
16:00 h TALK
Georgina Comas, CEO de TM COMAS, Cofundadora de Comastech Centre Politècnic Comas i Vicepresidenta de la Fundació Comas
Fabian Mohedano, President executiu de l’Agència FPCAT
16:15 h TALK
Marta Casasayas, Apprenticeship Program Manager en AMAZON
Mari Carmen Gómez García, Automatización y Robótica Industrial
16:30 h TALK
Crystina Moreno, Directora de Delivery en CaixaBank Tech
16:45 h To Be a STEM Woman
Mar Porras, Directora e impulsora del Ámbito de Carrera Profesional del SWC / Marketing Manager Ricoh
Cecilia Cuadra, Coordinadora del Ámbito de Carrera Profesional del SWC / Head Of Marketing Operations Ironhack
Claudine Jabea Mpah,Telecommunications Engineer|BI & Big Data developer
Lola Peláez, Doctora TIC del Hospital Universitario de Jaén, Junta de Andalucía – Delegada andaluza de Ingenieras en Red – Embajadora SWC Andalucía
Lijia Cai, Global Product Marketing Manager Quorum Software
Isabella Karabasz, Skilled Data Scientist at GFT Group
Lectura del acta
Mar Porras, Directora e impulsora del Ámbito de Carrera Profesional del SWC / Marketing Manager Ricoh
Entrega del premio
Llum Llosa, vicepresidenta 2a de la Associació d’Enginyers Industrials de Catalunya y vicepresidenta de la Comisión de Equidad, Tecnología y Futuro
18:00 h El talento de las mujeres en la era digital
Gina Tost, Secretària de Polítiques Digitals de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Clara Lapiedra, Directora e impulsora del Ámbito de Emprendimiento del SWC / CEO & Founder Aula Magna Business School & Wompreneur
Carol Romay, Coordinadora del Ámbito de Emprendimiento del SWC / Consultora proyectos innovación y desarrollo
Meritxell Bautista, Cofundadora de Fibracat y Presidenta de Fibracat TV
Cristina Aranda, Cofounder de MujeresTech y Co-founder & Chief Business Developoment Officer en Big Onion
Clara Lapiedra, Directora e impulsora del Ámbito de Emprendimiento del SWC / CEO & Founder Aula Magna Business School & Wompreneur
Presentación de proyectos:
Mónica Fernández – Wedid Ventures
Elena Losantos – Identify – Enjoy Culture
Mercedes Martínez – dothegap, let’s exchange experiences!
Anna Goixens – TechMujer
Irene Toro – Jiku Studio
Eva Colás – MIMARK: transformando el diagnóstico ginecológico
Daniela Tost – De la academia a la empresa. El caso : Virmedex Virtual Experiences S.L.
Cristina Corchero – Bamboo Energy
Nuria Antolí – Nura Frames by Nura Technology
Lectura del acta
Susanna Carmona, Directora Mútua dels Enginyers
Entrega del premio
Eli Abad, Empresaria – Consejera – Empoderando Mujeres – BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY
Carla Antúnez, People Director in BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY
Judit López, CSR & Culture People Partner in BETWEEN TECHNOLOGY
19:30 h CLAUSURA
M.Hble. Sr. Pere Aragonès i Garcia, President de la Generalitat de Catalunya